Cerebral Palsy Statistics
Cerebral palsy is a term used to describe a group of chronic, permanent, and irreversible disorders that impair control of movement or coordination due to damage to the developing brain. While much is still unknown about the disorder’s causes, negligence in the prenatal and delivery process has been found to be a substantial cause in many cases.
The Number of Children Affected Each Year
Each year, about 10,000 infants develop cerebral palsy, and 1500 toddlers are newly diagnosed. Children with cerebral palsy may have an accompanying seizure disorder and some degree of mental retardation. They may also have learning disabilities and vision, speech, hearing, or language problems. They may need assistive devices such as braces, walkers, or wheel chairs for mobility, and may need other assistance devices, specialized medical care, educational and social services, and lifelong family and community support.
The Cost of Cerebral Palsy
The economic costs associated with cerebral palsy are devastating. In 2003, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes estimated the lifetime costs, excluding caregivers = direct out-of-pocket expenses, lost wages, and emotional stress, at $921,000, half of which is born by families, and the toll in love, patience, and perseverance of parents, siblings and other families members is incalculable.
For more information please read, “New York Brachial Plexus Palsy Lawyers – Erb’s Palsy Attorneys,” and “Causes of Cerebral Palsy.”
Let Us Help Determine Whether Your Loved One’s Case of Cerebral Palsy Was Preventable
Given the costs, challenges, and heavy burden of love and care borne by families impacted by cerebral palsy, it is clear that cases seeking compensation and damages for this condition from negligent medical professionals are best handled by an attorney who is well-versed in this tragic area of personal injury law. Let our firm help you to determine whether your child and you may be entitled to monetary compensation for the injuries of cerebral palsy.
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