Passenger Injuries
We Represent Injured Passengers Seeking to Recover for Their Injuries
In addition to representing injured drivers in car and truck accidents, we also represent injured passengers seeking compensation for their injuries, and the families of those who have lost a loved one killed as a passenger in a motor vehicle accident.
Who May Be Liable for Your Injuries?
Ordinarily, passengers are entitled to seek full compensation for their injuries and damages from those who are legally responsible for causing the same. This means that if your injured as a passenger in one car because your car was hit by another driver at fault, you will be entitled to seek recovery for your injuries from such other driver. If the other driver was intoxicated because he or she was overserved alcohol and apart, you may also be entitled to recover compensation from the owner of such bar to the extent that they are legally liable. If the accident resulted because of a defective product the other vehicle, such as a defective tire, you may also be entitled to seek recovery against a manufacturer or distributor of the defective product.
No-Fault Compensation
In New York injured passengers are generally entitled to compensation under no-fault laws from the insurance company of the driver of the car in which they were riding. A notice of claim for these benefits usually must be filed within 30 days of the accident. As a result, we will want to immediately prepare and file with such insurance company a claim for no-fault benefits on behalf of an injured passenger client.
Call Us to Find Out About Your Rights to Seek Compensation
We offer a free, no obligation consultation so that you can meet with us and we can learn about your injuries and case. As we typically represent clients on a contingency fee basis, there is no fee to us unless we are successful in recovering compensation for you.
Related Pages
- Car, Truck and Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Automobile Accident FAQ
- Automobile Insurance Coverage
- New York No-Fault Law
- Liability Insurance
- Auto Accident Injury Data
- Fatality Charts
- Passenger Injuries
- Pedestrian Injuries
- Pedestrian Injury Data
- What Should I Do if I’m Injured in an Automobile Accident
- Seat Belt Issues
- Speeding
- Speeding Fatality Charts
- Sate Accident Fatality Charts
- Whiplash
- School Bus Accidents
- Bus Accident Charts
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Motorcycle Accident Statistics
- Tips for Preventing Motorcycle Injuries
- Truck Accidents
- Large Truck Accidents
- Large Truck Data
Client Review
I was very pleased with Bill and his staff in helping me with my case. I was impressed with his representation. I was compensated for my injuries and was very satisfied with my settlement. I found Bill very understanding and easy to talk to. I would recommend him. Thank you.
Avvo 5 Star Review – Chris